MOCAD Fall Winter 2021 Exhibitions
The following series of exhibitions are on display at the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit.
As the CEC (Curatorial and Exhibitions Coordinator) It was my job to manage installation and timeline along side the Curatorial team and the Director of Exhibitions. Many of the pieces and installations had to be fabricated and installed by contractors and myself.
NOVEMBER 5, 2021 – JANUARY 30, 2022
Parallax Conjunctures presents the work of South Korea-born, Copenhagen-based interdisciplinary artist, Jane Jin Kaisen. Working in video installation, experimental film, lens-based media, text, and archival practices, Kaisen’s work is shaped by extensive historical research and community engagement.

This side of the exhibition was pretty straight forward with the exception of the 3 red light boxes for the installation. The process required a bit of team work to build the light boxes, solder the LEDs, and assemble them with the transparent print sandwiched between the plexiglass sheets.

The other two pieces were video based works, which required projectors for display. One was cast directly onto a wall in the space and the other was projected onto a wall we had to build in house, and suspend from the ceiling. The Director of Exhibitions built a majority of the wall himself, and as a team we suspended the work.

Thank you to the curatorial team for their guidance in placement and the Director of Exhibitions for their skills and time.